IN THE HOUSE: Chichi Zhang

Chichi Zhang has founded her own social media marketing agency called Chi Media, driven by her love for food and travel. Chi Media is a full-service social media marketing agency specializing in short video content creation for businesses and clients with a unique story and a meaningful mission. Their initial growth has primarily been driven by focusing on the hospitality sector.

Chichi believes that no one excels in everything. To ensure that she always has the necessary expertise, she assembles her own team of experts who make her clients’ social media a resounding success. The main focus lies in the realm of short video content. According to Chichi, short videos generate the highest reach, provide an outlet for creativity, and offer the opportunity for brands to differentiate themselves from the masses.

“Previously, it was all about beautiful photos, but nowadays, it’s about the story behind the brand.”

The growth of Chi Media is partly attributed to their focus on the hospitality industry as a niche. By concentrating on one specific area, Chichi managed to attract major clients and expand from there. Chichi firmly believes that by focusing on one product or service and perfecting it, one establishes a solid foundation for future growth. “It’s better to excel in one aspect than to be average in multiple aspects,” she reasons.

Furthermore, Chichi emphasizes the importance of listening to the needs of the target audience. She observes that many brands nowadays fail to engage their audience, while listening and engaging in conversation with the target audience are essential for success in this competitive modern landscape. Chichi fully aligns with House of Treats’ vision in this regard.


“With so much competition, it’s not enough for brands to simply tell their story; they must also convey it in the right way.”


If there’s one thing we can learn from Chichi, it’s that the era of superficial perfection is over. Chichi strongly believes in building genuine relationships between brands and influencers, where showing vulnerability holds increasing value. “People want to know who you are, why you do what you do, and what your unique story is.”

With this approach, Chi Media has established a solid position in the social media world, and Chichi herself serves as a source of inspiration for others striving for success in the online landscape.

Chichi Zhang– House of Treats member since 2022

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