26 Jan CASE: How Wrangler got to know…

Wrangler, the iconic American denim brand, wants to strengthen its position in the Netherlands and enlisted the expertise of House of Treats. The proven House of Treats box-method delivers in-depth insights about the high potential target group in the Netherlands.
- Strengthen B2C connection and build a direct relationship with Dutch consumers.
- Gain the right insights to optimize strategy and get to know the target group from the inside out.
- Increase awareness among the right target group, generate more traffic to the new store and gain insights about the shopping experience.
- Create organic and authentic ambassadorship for both brands among the high potential target group in the Netherlands.
To gain insights into the behavior and preferences of Dutch consumers, we mapped Wrangler’s customer profile in the Netherlands. The profile consists of the following elements:
- What inspires consumers and how can we best reach them?
- Brand awareness and perception
- Market and competitors
- Product fit and satisfaction
We joined forces with our community through the proven House of Treats box-method. In pre-selection, 200 House of Treats members completed a questionnaire. Based on this questionnaire, we selected 150 members for the study. They received an exclusive and luxurious Wrangler box at home. The members could choose from 4 different products: 2 denim jackets & 2 denim pants.

Social content & Awareness Wrangler
The recipients of the Wrangler box shared more than 50 spontaneous Instagram and TikTok messages about the received products. All of these posts were reposted on the House of Treats channels.
- 50+ organic stories/posts
- 5 Influencers posts with reach between 7,000 – 100,000
- Engagement rate of (all) HoT channels: +101,350
- Engagement rate of all member channels: +430,000
Members shared their experiences. 91% said they shared their experiences with the Wrangler box through personal connections. Another 87% indicated they would recommend Wrangler to friends or acquaintances.

We translated the insights from the research into a detailed report with data and insights into the Dutch denim market and a concrete plan for entering the Dutch market.
Fan base
From the panel, we were also able to map out Wranglers true fan base. With this dedicated group, we can create more awareness and further expand the brand. For example, by approaching them in the future for events and content creation.
Next step
Creating the right strategy. We now know where the high potential consumer is and know the unique identity of the Wrangler brand. We turn these insights and strategy into a (PR worthy) activation concept and 360 campaign plan. Activated by the House of Treats community and supported with our own channels, PR and possibly paid media.

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