08 Sep IN THE HOUSE: Lisa Groothuijzen

“Why shouldn’t I just do it?”, Lisa Groothuijzen (30) explains her choice to start a modeling career. She had just graduated her masters in criminology and was looking for a new adventure. After living in London and Cape Town, she’s just a ‘regular old Dutchie’ again. “We’re 6 years in and I’m still doing it”, she joyfully mentions over the phone.
And she’s still rocking it: the hard worker doesn’t shy away from working till after midnight. Just like she did the night before our call. Despite her late shift, she invariably answers all of our questions with a smile. It’s difficult not being happy though, when you love your work like Lisa does. “I’ve been on set with super sweet and creative people all night, so of course I’m happy.”
Throw in some yoga, eating loads of healthy food and getting as many hours of sleep as possible into the mix and Lisa is completely balanced. “It helps that I don’t have extremely wild weekends anymore”, she laughs. “From a certain age, you stop being able to do both at the same time.” Being so conscious of herself is a very deliberate choice.
“Paying attention to things is so important. It seeps into everything. Do you cook a quick meal or do you take your time and prepare it with love?” A nice outcome of this conscious lifestyle? Impulse purchases for Lisa are a thing of the past: “Do you know what you like and do you take your time to look for it or do you buy something just because it’s there?”
Just like she’s mindful of herself and the world, she desires brands to be so too. “That they treat their products with a genuine care.” Brands shouldn’t be virtue signaling. “I don’t want to get the feeling they’re just using the message to earn as much money as possible from me.”
“It all moves so fast these days,” says the 30-year-old. According to her, the focus is too much on consuming, consuming, consuming. Instead, we should be thinking about: “what does the consumer really want?”
So, enter House of Treats then? “Yes, I think you build a very nice bridge between what a company thinks the consumer wants and what the consumer actually wants,” she says enthusiastically. “I really enjoy discovering new brands through you. As a member I’m assured that every brand that’s collaborating with you, is genuinely interested in what we, consumers, think.”
Liza Groothuijzen – House of Treats member since 2020

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